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About John Taylor

Founder of Now Leadership

John Taylor in a blue jacket articulating with his hands

John Taylor has been a Coach and Advisor to CEOs, Founders, teams, and individuals in leadership positions for over 15 years. 

He founded Now Leadership to expand his positive impact on the world. John helps others to step into their purpose and leadership to create a legacy and sustainable future for generations to come. He is committed to accelerating the awakening of human consciousness to create a sustainable thriving future world we all know is possible.

By and large, clients come personally referred, which is really the best compliment of all. This includes heads of family offices and foundations, startup founders, published authors, athletes, world-recognized celebrities, social impact entrepreneurs, and established C-suite executives of companies with valuations from $100M-$10B+. 

John has worked with companies in technology, finance, consumer-product, startups, ad-tech, mergers and acquisitions, social impact, data, hardware, travel, software, telecom, non-profit, environmental advocacy, integrative health, and more.

He has served on boards including the executive board of Richard Branson’s Galactic Unite which is dedicated to inspiring youth in the fields of science, technology, math, engineering, and business entrepreneurship (STEM+).

He has spoken, in the US and internationally, at conferences on personal evolution, leadership, team dynamics, impact acceleration, and more. He also supports multiple environmental and social non-profits and has even been recognized by the Consulate General of the United States for his humanitarian work in Ecuador. 

When not actively engaged in the above, he can be found climbing mountains, kiteboarding, learning about human evolution, researching, and traveling the world mixing personal expansion and acts of Service.

If you’re curious, you can see who we work with and how we Serve.

“I’d recommend John Taylor to anyone who actually wants to set aside their bullshit, pursue their deepest calling, and make a difference in the world.”

– Andrew R., Executive & Published Author

John’s Personal Journey

Like many, I went to university and jumped into the working world. For years, I thought I was ‘on track,’ living a full and free life. One day, years into my tech career, I found myself presenting work to an audience of hundreds, including many senior executives, department heads, and colleagues. It was one of my first times presenting to such a large audience, and I was excited and proud to share the work our team had worked so incredibly hard to develop.  

The end of our presentation was followed by muted clapping. 

At that moment, I knew nothing would come of our hard work. Crushed and disheartened, I walked back to my seat as a profound vision of living out my days in a dystopian cubicle world overcame me. I could see I was squandering my time, living someone else’s story of me. 

I had thought ‘success’ translated into a corner office, a title, and all the toys. While I was living my life, climbing the ladder, and comparing myself to others in order to be validated, I had never stopped to ask myself what I actually wanted, who I was here to BE. That day I saw my truth—If I kept my trajectory, I would never live my life to its fullest. A fissure had clearly formed in the path I’d been following.

“There is a crack in everything. That's how the light gets in.” - Leonard Cohen.

Over the next weeks and months, just getting dressed for work felt soul-crushing. No matter what I did to justify to myself that I was ‘on track,’ I couldn’t shake the feeling that I didn’t know who I was.

I resigned from my position and committed to a journey of discovery in search of the man I was meant to be. 

My path brought me to wisdom teachers in many forms—from many traditions, countries, cultures, and industries. I dove deeply into learning from seminal thought leaders in the world of personal transformation, neurophysiological sciences, and coaching. I continue to do so to this day. I have studied dozens of frameworks and methodologies, sat with elders in traditions from Brazil, Peru, Columbia, Mexico, and beyond, and even sat in 10-day silent Vipassana meditations.

Through it all, I realized I was called to do this work. 

Along the way, one of my teachers asked me how I would want to spend the rest of my days — even if I never got paid. Though I had never asked myself this question, my answer was immediate and obvious the moment I answered. I would help people become who they‌ were truly meant to be — free to live to their highest potential and expression. Through my experiences in academia, corporate, and tech start-ups, I recognized that one of my gifts was to help people become present in who they are, and what they are capable of achieving. 

And that’s what I’ve done ever since, helping people face their doubts and fears and step into a new life with purpose, to be successful for themselves and the world. In doing so, I’ve found my own purpose and love, in guiding and supporting those motivated to claim their full lives, in all dimensions, personal and professional. 

In the following years, I’ve been fortunate to work with many hundreds of motivated people around the world, from entrepreneurs to artists, and corporate executives, across many industries, in many settings, and in many forms. 

If you are reading this, know that I am here to help you excel, become even more confident, aligned, impactful, and to reach your highest potential —  and become the leader you were meant to BE. 

If you are ready to 

  • Look into the mirror and face whatever you see 

  • Give your full gifts to yourself, your teams, those you love, and the world

  • Commit to your journey toward your highest evolution and expression

It's time for us to speak — Schedule a consultation call to start the next chapter of your journey.

John Taylor at the Burning Man Festival
John Taylor kneeling close to a baby elephant
John Taylor next to a helicopter on top of a grassy mountain

“When asked for advice, John listens intently and honors whoever is speaking. His response invariably cuts to the heart of what was said, and even sometimes what was left unsaid.”

– David M.

Our Core Team


An executive pointing while facilitating a meeting

John has spoken at conferences on personal evolution, leadership, team dynamics, impact acceleration, and more. From delivering Strategic Alignment keynotes to "top 100" venture-backed startups, to “Facing Fear” workshops at international gatherings of Founders and Investors, to “Embodied Leadership” talks at Burning Man, to discussing the "New Masculine" with top podcast hosts, John brings purpose-acceleration and consciousness-expansion to every environment.

Speaking topics include:

  • The 4 Pillars of Leadership - How to Empower and Enable Excellence

  • Doing Creates the Feeling - How to Achieve Any Result

  • Fear: Your Greatest Ally

  • High Performance Leadership - How to be “Formula 1” in every dimension

  • "Winner Makes All": The Truth About Scarcity and Abundance

  • Agency: The Act of Choosing as the Source of Power

Interested in having John Taylor speak at an event?